Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Getting the Kickstarter Campaign Distilled to Perfection

No post in a little while here. I don't want anyone to think I'm running out of steam or losing interest. Far from it! I have been hip deep in plans for an upcoming Kickstarter campaign, plus I am working down the very last of my waiting list and trying to 'get to zero' where I have filled all current orders so I can begin building my rig. I should be there this week. And the Kickstarter campaign should be ready to launch once I get the video finished. I've got just about everything else ready to go! [The hardest thing is to distill the hundreds of ideas I have for the station/label down to the basics and then find a way to explain it properly to people. Since it is not really a radio station or a record label and it is non-profit, but takes no funds from the government it has been difficult to figure out how to present it. I'm getting there. Still it is lots and lots of work for no money, but man will it be cool once I get this thing off the ground! In the mean time if anyone wants to help out the cause by having me convert one of your Akai, Magnecord or Ampex tube monoblocks I sure could use some funds to get this ball rolling!

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